Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Analysis of two film extracts from two different eras (20 years min)

This is an still extract from the highly-rated boxing film Rocky and this particular extract is the 1st of the sequel. The lighting used here is mainly high-key particular on the characters which can be done to show their facial expressions and their body language, also the rest of the mise-en-scene is low-key lighting which makes them the main figure and very dominant. Their is alot of fast cuts and edits this is done to build tension and create an up-tempo flow to the fight to make it look realistic. Also the fast tempo cuts makes the audience feel more interested as they dont know what it going to happen next so the up-tempo flow to the game is exciting for the audience.

This is an extract form the movie Ali, I have to analyse this film to make it go well with the film Rocky, and to show contrasts and similarities. Similarly to Rokcy their is alot of high-key lighting used particularly when the fighting is going on which can portray hope for the fighters as to see who wins, also similarly to Rocky the rest of the mise-en-scene is low-key which can connote mystery and suspense as to what may happen next and portays the actors fighting as the main dominant figure, as to where all the interest is at.

Analysis of 4 film stills.

This is an still image from the film Gladiators. Gladiators is one of the most popular movies of all-time as is also an oscar winner. This particular still is a medium shot this may have been done to show the characters facial expressions and to let the audience in on the mise-en-scene that is being showcased. This image portrays the actor (Russell Crowe) to be powerful and very dominant as his body language also indicates to the audience his great staure. Their is also daytime footage used in this image which can connote natural and elegance, and also portrays the setting as elegant and nice. The props used also links well with the title "Gladiators" as the sword used connotes ancient and classical which again links to Gladiators.

This is an long-shot of Batman, as we can see all his features also the audience can also see the mise-en-scene around him which gives them a sense of belonging and interaction with the film, which can keep them interested. Also there is low-key lighting used which can mystery and suspense for the audience, ad also helps to create their own ideas about the characters through lighting. As Batman is a hero however the lighting portrays him as a villain which goes against conventions. This is an still image from the highly successful film Simpsons movie 2. This is a long shot as we are able to see all of the characters features also as the audience we are also able to see the mise-en-scene involved, also this long-shot helps the audience to develop an understanding of the environment. The lighting used is mainly high-key which portrays this family as happy and joyful and playful. This is a still image from the oscar-winning movie Million Dollar Baby. This is a medium shot as we are only able to see half of the actresses figure, as the main focus is on her and her trainer. We are not able to see the mise-en-scene but however can still tell the what the scene is. The main lighting used is high-key lighting this is used on the characters faces to make them the main focus and try to make them stand-out, the rest of the mise-en-scene is low-key lighting which connects with this well.

Monday, 1 December 2008

Extension task 2- image and extract

This is an still image from the film noir genre.

The main lighting used here is high-key lighting which can connote happyness and mystery, also puts pictures in the audiences heads about who is the hero and the villain, however when the small occurence of low-key lighting is used it used on half the characters faces, which can connote mystery and suspense for the audience, also the contrast of lighting in one picture is the description of the term Binary.

Also the main source of lighting used is back lighting, this is done to show the Binary in the characters faces and creates shadows however this is countered by Filler light, also the Binary infers to the audience that both of these characters may be villains as the dark clothing also suggests this.


At the first few several seconds of this extract i was able to identify that there is a lot of high-key lighting used which can connote happyness and joy, also infers to the audience that they could be the hero or heroine.

However at 25 seconds of the extract, during the intercourse the main lighting used is low-key lighting which can connote a sense of uncertainty and mystery, and slso is a kind of juxtaposition as smoke also occurs when they are having intercourse and possibly suggests that they are villains.